कृपया आप सभी से निवेदन है कि आप पहले इन प्रश्नों को सॉल्व करेंगे फिर इसके बाद इन प्रश्नों के सही उत्तर देखने के लिए अंत में नीचे दिए गए उत्तर कुंजी (आंसर-की) में जाएंगे।।
Q1. Preterm labour is defined as;
A. Before 24 weeks
B. Between 28-34 weeks
C. After 37 and before 40 weeks
D. None of the above
Q2. Which of the following indicated lines a partograph consist
A. Normal action, alert
B. Action, alert line
C. Alert line
D. None of the above
Q3. Which type of anaemia is commonly found in pregnant women
A. Sickle cell anaemia
B. Iron deficiency anaemia
C. Dimorphic anaemia
D. Haemolytic anemia
Q4. Which of the following is newly launched injectable contraceptive
A. Mala-N
C. Antara
D. None of the above
Q5. What is the daily dose of iron folic acid in a pregnant women with normal haemoglobin and four how long it should be given
A. 1 tab. IFA per 3 months
B. 2 tab. IFA per day for 3 months
C. 1 tab. IFA per day for 6 months
D. 2 tab IFA per day for 5 months
Q6. Which of the following conditions makes the indication for iron sucrose in pregnant women
A. Haemoglobin less than 10 gm%
B. Haemoglobin less than 5 gm%
C. Haemoglobin less than 7 gm%
D. Haemoglobin less than 9 gm%
Q7. Which of the oxytocin does not require temperature maintenance
A. Oxytocin
B. Misoprostol
C. Methargin
D. None of the above
Q8. A pregnant women can perceive foetal movements at
A. 16 weeks
B. 36 weeks
C. 20 weeks
D. 8 weeks
Q9. For how much duration instruments should be kept in chlorine solution for disin- fection
A. 5 minutes
B. 10 minutes
C. 15 minutes
D. 1 hour
Q10. A pregnant women complains of headache abdominal pain, vomiting and blackouts suggests which of the complications
A. Anaemia
B. Severe pre-eclampsia
C. Gestational diabetes mellitus
D. None of the above
Q11. A pregnant women presents with obstetric history of previous LSCS, according to you whom and at which place this delivery should be conducted
A. By dia at home
B. This is case of high – risk pregnancy, should be delivered by gynaecologist
C. According to mother’s convenience
D. ANM can deliver her
Q12. Which of the following signs indicate pre- eclampsia
A. BP-140/90, proteinuria since first trimester
B. BP- 140/90, proteinuria, 20 weeks onwards
C. BP-140/90, no proteinuria, since first trimester
D. None of the above
Q13. Which number of IV canula should be used in a case of PPH
A. 16 number
B. 18 number
C. 21 number
D. 24 number
Q14. Cause of excessive per vaginal bleeding during first trimester
A. Incomplete abortion
B. Vesicular mole
C. None of the above
D. Both a and b
Q15. Which of the following is the major cause for secondary PPH
A. Retained bits of placenta
B. Prolonged labour
C. Anaemia
D. None of the above
उपरोक्त प्रश्नों के उत्तर नीचे दिए गए हैं:
(Answer Keys)
Q1.Ans.**B. Between 28-34 weeks
Q2.Ans.**B. Action, alert line
Q3.Ans.**C. Dimorphic anaemia
Q4.Ans.**C. Antara
Q5.Ans.**C. 1 tab. IFA per day for 6 months
Q6.Ans.**D. Haemoglobin less than 9 gm%
Q7.Ans.**B. Misoprostol
Q8.Ans.**C. 20 weeks
Q9.Ans.**B. 10 minutes
Q10.Ans.**B. Severe pre-eclampsia
Q11.Ans.**B. This is case of high – risk pregnancy, should be delivered by gynaecologist
Q12.Ans.**C. BP-140/90, no proteinuria, since first trimester
Q13.Ans.**A. 16 number
Q14.Ans. **D. Both a and b
Q15.Ans. ***A. Retained bits of placenta
मैं आशा करती हूं कि आपको यह बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न सीरीज (MCQ) पसंद आई होगी।
Writer: Vandita Singh , Lucknow
(By GS India Nursing Classes Lucknow)