कृपया आप सभी से निवेदन है कि आप पहले इन प्रश्नों को सॉल्व करेंगे फिर इसके बाद इन प्रश्नों के सही उत्तर देखने के लिए अंत में नीचे दिए गए उत्तर कुंजी (आंसर-की) में जाएंगे; इसी प्रश्नावली के अंत में आंसर की दी गई है।
Q1. 10000 जनसंख्या पर एक बुनियादी स्वास्थ्य कार्यकर्ता (बहुउद्देशीय कार्यकर्ता) की सिफारिश किसके द्वारा की गई थी:
One basic health worker (multipurpose worker) for 10000 population was recommended by:
A. Mudaliar committee
B. Bhore committee
C. Chadha committee
D. Mukherjee committee
Q2. किसान का फेफड़ा साँस लेने के कारण होता है:
Farmer lung is due to inhalation of:
A. Coal dust
B. Hay dust
C. Cotton dust
D. Sugarcane dust
Q3. दुनिया में सबसे आम भारी धातु विषाक्तता:
Most common heavy metal poisoning in the world:
A. Lead
B. Cadmium
C. Mercury
D. Arsenic
Q4. अत्यधिक ठंडी जलवायु के कारण कौन सा व्यावसायिक रोग होता है?
Which occupational disease is caused by extreme cold climate?
A. Pancytopenia
B. Frost bite
C. Miner’s nystagmus
D. Occupational cataract
Q5. WHO का ग्रोथ चार्ट है:
WHO growth chart is:
A. Home based
B. Community based
C. National based
D. International based
Q6. एक वयस्क के लिए आयोडीन का आरडीए है:
RDA of iodine for an adult is:
A. 150 mcg/day
B. 100 mcg/day
C. 75 mcg/day
D. 50 mcg/day
Q7. कुपोषण का आयु स्वतंत्र मानवशास्त्रीय माप है:
Age independent anthropometric measure of malnutrition is:
A. Head circumference
B. Chest circumference
C. Mid arm circumference
D. Weight for age
Q8. आईएमएनसीआई में सभी शामिल हैं; के अलावा:
IMNCI includes all; Except:
A. Malaria
B. Measles
C. Acute respiratory tract infection
D. Tetanus
Q9. भारत में मातृ मृत्यु का सबसे आम कारण:
Most common cause of maternal death in India:
A. Puerperal sepsis
B. Unsafe abortion
C. Obstetrics hemorrhage
D. Obstetrics sepsis
Q10. गर्भनिरोधक की निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी विधि यौन संचारित रोग को रोक सकती है?
Which of the following methods of contraception can prevent sexually transmitted disease?
A. Cervical cap
B. Condom
C. Copper T
D. Oral pills
**उपरोक्त दिए गए प्रश्नों का सही उत्तर मिलान करें: सही उत्तर नीचे दिए गए हैं:
Answer Keys:
Q1.(Ans.)**C. Chadha committee// चड्ढा समिति
Explanation: Chadha Committee (1963): recommended for: One basic health worker per 10,000 population. also, a Multipurpose worker would work under the supervision of a family health assistant.
Q2.(Ans.)**B. Hay dust
Explanation: Farmer’s Lung is an allergic disease usually caused by breathing in the dust from mouldy hay. However, dust from any mouldy crop – straw, corn, silage, grain, or even tobacco – can also cause Farmer’s Lung.
Q3.(Ans.)**A. Lead
Explanation: The heavy metals most commonly associated with poisoning of humans are lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. Heavy metal poisoning may occur as a result of industrial exposure, air or water pollution, foods, medicines, improperly coated food containers, or the ingestion of lead-based paints.
Q4.(Ans.) **B. Frost bite
Explanation: In extremely cold temperatures, the risk of frostbite is increased in workers with reduced blood circulation and among workers who are not dressed properly. Symptoms of frostbite include: Reduced blood flow to hands and feet (fingers or toes can freeze) Numbness.
Q5.(Ans.) **A. Home based
Explanation: The WHO growth charts are standards; they identify how children should grow when provided optimal conditions.
Q6.(Ans.) **A. 150 mcg/day
Explanation: The RDA for iodine for adult men and women is 150 micrograms per day.
Q7.(Ans.)**C. Mid arm circumference
Explanation: Mid-arm circumference (MAC) has been extensively used at 1-5 years of age as an age-independent indicator of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM).
Q8.(Ans.)**D. Tetanus
Explanation: The core intervention of IMCI is integrated management of the five most important causes of childhood deaths-acute respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, measles, malaria and malnutrition.
Q9.(Ans.)**C. Obstetrics hemorrhage
Q10.(Ans.) **B. Condom// कन्डोम
Explanation: Condom acts as a physical barrier during intercourse and protects a person from acquiring any sexually transmitted disease.
नोट: उत्तर मैच करने के बाद कृपया आप सभी अपनी राय नीचे दिए गए कमेंट बॉक्स में जरूर दें।
(By GS India Nursing Lucknow)