कृपया आप सभी से निवेदन है कि आप पहले इन प्रश्नों को सॉल्व करेंगे फिर इसके बाद इन प्रश्नों के सही उत्तर देखने के लिए अंत में नीचे दिए गए उत्तर कुंजी (आंसर-की) में जाएंगे।।
Q1. यूट्रस का अपने सामान्य आकार में लौटने में विफलता है:
The failure of uterus to return to its normal size is:
A. Involution
B. Sub involution
C. Protrusion
D. Retraction
Q2.यदि किसी नवजात शिशु का सिर पीछे की ओर झुका
दिया जाए तो यह उत्पन्न होता है:
If a newborn’s head and is allowed to fall
backward it elicits:
A. Step- In Reflex
B. Plantar Reflex
C. Startled Reflex
D. Moro Reflex
Q3. एक नवजात शिशु जो अंतर्गर्भाशयी विकास वक्र पर
90वें प्रतिशतक से ऊपर है, उसे कहा जाता है:
A new born baby who is above the 90th percentile on the Intrauterine Growth Curwth is termed as:
A. Post term baby
B. Large for Gestational Age
C. Small for Gestational Age
D. Pre- term Baby
Q4.शिशु का रेंगना तब होता है:
Crawling of an Infant occurs at:
A. 8 to 9 months
B. 2 to 3 months
C. 4 to 5 months
D. 6 to 8 months
Q5. शिशुओं में IM इंजेक्शन देने के लिए पसंदीदा साइट है:
The preferred site for giving 1M injection to infants is:
A. Gluten
B. Deltoid
D. Vastus Lateralis
D. Umbilicus
Q6.बंद स्थानों से संबंधित अतार्किक भय को कहा जाता है: Irrational fear related to closed spaces is
referred as:
A. Acrophobia
B. Agoraphobia
C. Claustrophobia
D. Nosophobia
Q7. व्यक्तिगत पहचान की हानि और मनोरोग अस्पताल से
दूर भटकने को कहा जाता है:
Loss of personal identity and wandering
away from psychiatric hospital is referred as:
A. Fugue
B. Split personality
C. Possession stage
D. Trance Stage
Q8.ईसीटी देते समय दौरे उत्पन्न करने के लिए आवश्यक वोल्टेज है:
The voltage needed to produce seizures
while giving ECT is:
A. 180 to 2020 volts
B.40 to 70 volts
C. 152 to 180 volts
D. 70 to 150 volts
Q9. किसी प्रिय वस्तु के खोने पर व्यक्तिगत अनुभव की
भावनात्मक अवस्था है:
The emotional stage an individual experience to the loss of loved object is:
A. Grief
B. Mourning
C. Bereavement
D. Agony
Q10. भावनाओं का विमोचन जो भावनात्मक रूप से
आवेशित क्षेत्रों के बारे में बात करने से होता है:
Release of feelings that takes place by talking about an emotionally charged areas as:
A. Clarification
B. Aberration
C. Suggestion
D. Exploration
Q11. हृदय का प्राकृतिक स्थाननिर्माता है:
The natural placemaker of the heart is:
A. A V Node
B. SA Node
C. Purkenjie
D. Bundle of His
Q12. माइट्रल वाल्व भी कहा जाता है
Mitral valve also referred as:
A. Tricuspid valve
B. Pulmonary value
C. Aortic valve
D. Bicuspid valve
उपरोक्त प्रश्नों के उत्तर नीचे दिए गए हैं:
(Answer Keys)
Q1.Ans. **.B. Sub involution
**Note::Uterine subinvolution:: Uterine subinvolution refers to the failure of the uterus to sufficiently return to its normal state. Physiological involution to the original size of the uterus (approximately 50 g) takes between 5 and 6 weeks.
••Uterus involution :: Uterus involution is a natural process that involves your pregnant uterus returning to its pre-pregnancy state. The process begins after you deliver your baby and the placenta and takes about six weeks to complete.
Q2.Ans.**.D. Moro Reflex
Note::The Moro reflex is often called a startle reflex. That’s because it usually occurs when a baby is startled by a loud sound or movement. In response to the sound, the baby throws back their head, extends out their arms and legs, cries, then pulls the arms and legs back in.
Q3.Ans.**.B. Large for Gestational Age
**Note:: The “normal” neonate is the one whose birth weight is between the 10th and 90th percentile as per the gestational age, gender and race with no feature of
malnutrition and growth retardation.
Q4.Ans.**.A. 8 to 9 months
**Note:: Crawling occurs between months 7 and 10, and sometime after 10 months, a
baby will learn to stand and take his first steps.
Q5.Ans.**.C. Vastus Lateralis
**Note:: The anterolateral aspect of the thigh, or vastus lateralis muscle, is the preferred IM site for neonates and infants. Up to 1ml can be injected into this site in neonates, up to 3mls in children and up to 5mls in adults.
Q6.Ans.**.C. Claustrophobia
Q7.Ans.**.A. Fugue
**Note:: The four dissociative disorders are: Dissociative Amnesia, Dissociative Fugue, Dissociative Identity Disorder, and Depersonalization Disorder.
**Note:: Dissociative disorders are mental
health conditions that involve experiencing a loss of connection between thoughts, memories, feelings, surroundings, behavior and identity.
Q8.Ans.**.D.70 to 150 volts
Note:: Typically, 70 to 120 volts are applied externally to the patient’s head, resulting in approximately 800 milliamperes of direct current passing between the electrodes, for a duration of 100 milliseconds to 6 seconds.
Q9.Ans.**.A. Grief
**Note:: Grief often involves intense sadness, and sometimes feelings of shock and numbness, or even denial and anger.
Q10.Ans.**.B. Aberration
Q11.Ans.**.B. SA Node
**Note:: The sinoatrial (SA) node is the natural pacemaker of the heart. It generates electrical impulses that cause the heart’s chambers to contract, setting the heart rate.
Q12.Ans.**.D. Bicuspid valve
••The mitral valve also called bicuspid valve, is located between the left atrium and left ventricle.
मैं आशा करती हूं कि आपको यह बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न सीरीज (MCQ) पसंद आई होगी।
Writer: Vandita Singh, Lucknow
(By GS India Nursing Classes Lucknow)