कृपया आप सभी से निवेदन है कि आप पहले इन प्रश्नों को सॉल्व करेंगे फिर इसके बाद इन प्रश्नों के सही उत्तर देखने के लिए अंत में नीचे दिए गए उत्तर कुंजी (आंसर-की) में जाएंगे।।
Q1. प्रसव का चौथा चरण
Fourth stage of labour last for
A. 30 minute
B. 1 hour
C. 90 min
D. 2 hours
Q2. यदि किसी गर्भवती महिला को अपना LMP याद नहीं
है, तो EDD मापने के तरीके क्या हैं:
If a pregnant woman does not remember her LMP, What are the methods to measure EDD
A. Examination finding during first trimester
B. By USG report
C. From the time perception of foetal
D. All of the above
Q3. सी-सेक्शन के बाद निम्नलिखित की निगरानी की
आवश्यकता होती है:
After C-section following needs monitoring:
A. Pulse, BP, temperature, respiratory rate,
bleeding PV
B. Pulse, BP, temperature, JVP
C. Pulse, BP, temperature, Icterus
D. Pulse, BP, knee jerk, respiratory rate
Q4. इनमें से कौन सी अवधि माँ और बच्चे दोनों के लिए
सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है:
Which of the durations is most critical to
both-mother and child
A. Before labour
B. During labour and with in 48 hours of delivery
C. 48 hours after delivery of baby till 42 days
D. 42 days after delivery till completion of one year
Q5. प्रसव के बाद विटामिन D-3 के साथ टैब कैल्शियम
कार्बोनेट की खुराक है:
After delivery the dose of tab calcium
carbonate with vitamin D3 is
A. Tablets a day for 6 month
B. 2 tablets a day for 6 month
C. 2 tablets a day for 9 month
D. 3 tablets a day for 6 month
Q6. कीटाणुशोधन के लिए हाइपोक्लोराइट घोल की ताकत
कितनी होनी चाहिए:
What should be the strength of hypochloritesolution for disinfection
A. 0.01
B. 0.1
C. 0.005
D. 0.05
Q7. सीता कुछ दिनों से योनि से रक्तस्राव, सुस्ती और बुखार
की शिकायत लेकर अस्पताल आई है, जबकि उसका
इतिहास लिया जा रहा है, उसने बताया कि उसने 2 महीने के
गर्भ को समाप्त करने के लिए गोलियां खाई हैं, जो उसने
सलाह के साथ बाजार से खरीदी थीं। सीता को क्या स्थिति हो सकती है:
Sita presents in the hospital with complaints of bleeding per vaginum since few days lethargy and fever while taking history she tells about consuming pills for termination of 2 month pregnancy which she bought from market with consultation. What condition Sita may have developed:
A. Incomplete abortion
B. Septic abortion
C. Missed abortion
D. Complete abortion
Q8. यदि किसी गर्भवती महिला का रक्त शर्करा स्तर
गर्भावस्था के 24वें सप्ताह में 180 mg/dl है, तो इसका
कारण हो सकता है:
Random blood sugar of a pregnant woman is 180 mg/dl at 24 weeks of gestation, the cause could be:
A. Gestational diabetes mellitus
B. She consumed excess s
C. She might be fasting
D. This is a normal finding during pregnancy
Q9. वास्तविक प्रसव पीड़ा के लक्षण क्या हैं?
What are signs of true labour pains
A. Abdominal pain at 28 weeks
B. Abdominal pain associated with show not getting relieved on rest
C. Any pain at term pregnancy
D. None of the above
Q10. एक सरलीकृत पार्टोग्राफ में कितने घटक होते हैं:
A ‘Simplified partograph consists of how many components:
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. None of the above
Q11. गर्भाशय ग्रीवा के पूर्ण फैलाव से लेकर शिशु के
निष्कासन तक प्रसव की अवस्था क्या है:
What is the stage of labour from full dilatation of cervix to expulsion of baby
A. First stage of labour
B. Second stage of labour
C. Third stage of labour
D. None of the above
Q12. प्रसूति पूति में कौन सी दवा अनुशंसित नहीं है:
Which drug is not recommended in puerperal sepsis:
A. Ampicilin
B. Metronidazole
C. Gentamicin
D. Flucanozole
Q13. सरकारी संस्थानों में उपलब्ध नई गैर हार्मोनल
गर्भनिरोधक गोली:
New non harmonal contraceptive pill available in government institutions:
Q14. निम्नलिखित टीबी के लक्षण नहीं हैं:
Following is not the symptoms of TB
A. Weight loss
B. Cough for more than 2 weeks
C. Blood strained sputum
D. Rashes over the body
Q15. LASA का पूरा नाम क्या है?
What is the full of LASA
A. Look alike sound alike
B. Large and small area
C. Look actual see active
D. None of the above
Q16. प्रसव के बाद महिला को परामर्श दिया जाना चाहिए
After delivery, a woman should be counselled for
A. Family planning
B. Perineal care
C. Exclusive breast feeding
D. All of the above
उपरोक्त प्रश्नों के उत्तर नीचे दिए गए हैं:
(Answer Keys)
Q1.Ans.**D. 2 hours
••The fourth stage of labor is the first hour ortwo after you deliver. During this time, your provider may have to repair an incision (episiotomy) or tears (lacerations) made during the delivery. This repair is made by giving you stitches with thread that absorbs on its own.
Q2.Ans.**D. All of the above
Q3.Ans.**A. Pulse, BP, temperature, respiratory rate, bleeding PV//
नाड़ी, रक्तचाप, तापमान, श्वसन दर, रक्तस्राव पी.वी.
Q4.Ans.**B. During labour and with in 48 hours of delivery
Q5.Ans.**B. 2 tablets a day for 6 month
Q6.Ans.**A. 0.01
Note:: Sodium hypochlorite: concentration and use:
••Recommended dilution 1:100 dilution of 5% sodium hypochlorite is the usual recommendation. Use 1 part bleach to 99 parts cold tap water (1:100 dilution) for disinfection of surfaces.
Q7.Ans.**B. Septic abortion
Q8.Ans.**A. Gestational diabetes mellitus
Q9.Ans.**B. Abdominal pain associated with show not getting relieved on rest
Q10.Ans.**B. 9
••Note:: The partograph is designed for
recording maternal identification, fetal heart rate, colour of the amniotic fluid, moulding of the fetal skull, cervical dilatation, fetal descent, uterine contractions, whether oxytocin was administered or intravenous fluids were given, maternal vital signs and urine output.
Q11.Ans.**B. Second stage of labour
Q12.Ans.**D. Flucanozole
Q13.Ans.**A. CHHAYA
Note:: CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute’s
(CSIR-CDRI) developed centchroman/
ormeloxifene, which is non-hormonal
(non-steroid based) in nature and is
consumed once a week. There are several
advantages of Chhaya/Saheli over hormonal
oral contraceptives.
••The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has launched two new contraceptives, an injectable contraceptive MPA under the ‘Antara’ programme and a contraceptive pill, ‘Chhaya’, in the public health system to expand the basket of contraceptive choices to meet the emerging needs of couples.
Q14.Ans.**D. Rashes over the body
Q15.Ans.**A. Look alike sound alike //
एक जैसे दिखते हैं एक जैसे लगते हैं
Note:: Look-alike, sound-alike (LASA)
medicines can become confused with each
other in any step of the medication-use
process, exposing patients to incorrect
medicine or wrong route errors. LASA names are medicine names that look or sound the same as other medicine names when written or spoken.
Q16.Ans. **D. All of the above
मैं आशा करती हूं कि आपको यह बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न सीरीज (MCQ) पसंद आई होगी।
Writer: Vandita Singh, Lucknow
(By GS India Nursing Classes Lucknow)