RML Nursing Officer Exams, ESIC Nursing Officers Exam MCQ MOCK Test Questions Paper 2024  by GS India

कृपया आप सभी से निवेदन है कि आप पहले इन प्रश्नों को सॉल्व करेंगे फिर इसके बाद इन प्रश्नों के सही उत्तर देखने के लिए अंत में नीचे दिए गए उत्तर कुंजी (आंसर-की) में जाएंगे।।

Q1. हीमोग्लोबिन एरिथ्रोपोइज़िस के किस चरण में प्रकट होता है?
Hemoglobin appears in which stage of Erythropoiesis?
A. Intermediate normoblast stage
B. Early normoblast stage
C. Late normoblast stage
D. Reticulocyte stage

Q2. निम्नलिखित में से कौन एचआईवी का प्राथमिक लक्ष्य कोशिका है?
Which one of the following is the primary target cell of HIV?
A. Plasma and memory cell
B. Lymphocytes
C. CD4+cell
D. Transitional B cell

Q3. जोड़ की कलात्मक सतह का पूर्ण विस्थापन कहलाता है:
Complete displacement of the articular
surface of the joint is called:
A. Dislocation
B. Strain
C. Sprain
D. Subluxation

Q4.संपूर्ण समुदाय का व्यापक मूल्यांकन क्या कहलाता है?
What is called the comprehensive assessment
of an entire community?
A. Five year plan
B. Health for all
C. Health programme
D. Community diagnosis

Q5. निम्नलिखित में से किस उदर चतुर्थांश में पेट स्थित होता है?
Which of the following abdominal quadrant
Does the stomach is situated?
A. Left hypochondriac
B. Right hypochondriac
C. Right lumber
D. Left lumber

Q6. निम्नलिखित में से किसे जुनूनी बाध्यकारी विकार कहा जाता है?
Which one of the following is called an
obsessive compulsive disorder?
A. False perceptions
B. Recurrent failure to resist impulses
C. Bipolar disorder
D. Repetitive thoughts and behavior pattern

Q7. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी स्वस्थ आदतों और जीवन
शैली के संबंध में जानकारी और प्रेरणा प्रदान करने की प्रक्रिया है?
Which one of the following is the process of providing information and motivation regarding healthy habits and lifestyles?
A. Epidemiology
B. Health for all
C. Communication
D. Health education

Q8. भारत सरकार ने राष्ट्रीय मानसिक स्वास्थ्य कार्यक्रम (एनएमएचपी) कब शुरू किया है:
When does the Government of India launched National mental health programme (NMHP)
A. 1992
B. 1972
C. 1982
D. 1989

Q9. भ्रूण को मानव के रूप में कब विभेदित किया जा सकता है?
When the embryo can be differentiated as human?
A. 2 weeks
B. 4 weeks
C. 8 weeks
D. 6 weeks

Q10. हानिकारक और हानिरहित कचरे को अलग करने की प्रक्रिया क्या है?
What is the process of separating the harmful and harmless waste?
A. Disposal
B. Segregation
C. Transportation
D. Decotamination

Q11. न्यूरल ट्यूब दोष का पता लगाने के लिए निम्नलिखित में से किस नैदानिक परीक्षण का उपयोग किया जाता है?
Which one of the following diagnostic test is used to detect neural  tube defects?
A. Maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (MSAFP)
B. Percutaneous umbilical cord blood
     sampling (PUBS)
C. Ultrasonography (USG)
D. Contraction stress test (CST)

Q12. निष्कासन का उद्देश्य क्या है?
What is the purpose of Evisceration?
A. Saving the life of fetus
B. Diminish the bulk of fetus
C. Resuscitate both mother and fetus
D. Prevent pregnancy

उपरोक्त प्रश्नों के उत्तर नीचे दिए गए हैं:

(Answer Keys)

Q1.Ans.**A. Intermediate normoblast stage

**Note:: Haemoglobin first appears during
    development of RBC in.

Q2.Ans.**C. CD4+cell

***Note:: The primary target cell of HIV-1 is  the human CD4+ lymphocyte. The HIV-1
gp120 envelope protein binds to the CD4+
molecule on the host cell membrane with
high affinity. This binding allows the virus to  enter the T cell and to integrate its

Q3.Ans.**A. Dislocation

**Note:: A joint dislocation suggests complete  loss of apposition of the articular surfaces of the bones comprising a joint

Q4.Ans.**D. Community diagnosis

**Note:: Community diagnosis is a
comprehensive assessment of the state of
an entire community in relation to its social, political, economic, physical and biological  environment’.

Q5.Ans.**A. Left hypochondriac

**Note:: left upper quadrant: The left upper quadrant is the location of the left portion of  the liver, the larger portion of the stomach, the pancreas, left kidney, spleen, portions of  the transverse and descending colon, and  parts of the small intestine.

Q6.Ans.**D. Repetitive thoughts and behavior pattern

**Note:: Obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD) is a long-lasting disorder in which a
person experiences uncontrollable and
recurring thoughts (obsessions), engages in  repetitive behaviors (compulsions), or both. People with OCD have time-consuming symptoms that can cause significant distress or interfere with daily life.

Q7.Ans.**D. Health education

**Note:: Health education means improving health literacy, including improving knowledge and developing life skills.

**Note:: It gives information about how to
improve and maintain their health, prevent disease, and reduce risky behaviours.

**Note:: It provides information and
motivation regarding healthy habits and lifestyles.

Q8.Ans.**C. 1982

**Note:: The adoption of the National Mental  Health Programme (NMHP) in August 1982  was a milestone in the history of Indian psychiatry.

Q9.Ans.**C. 8 weeks // 8 सप्ताह

**Note:: The genetic material of the sperm
and egg then combine to form the single cell zygote and the germinal stage of
development commences. Embryonic
development in the human, covers the first  eight weeks of development; at the beginning of the ninth week the embryo is termed a fetus.

Q10.Ans.**B. Segregation

**Note:: Segregation refers to the separation.  Waste is segregated mainly into three categories – reusable, degradable and non- degradable.

Q11.Ans.**A. Maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (MSAFP)

**Note:: Amniocentesis: Healthcare providers use this test to check for NTDs and other birth defects. During amniocentesis, they use  a needle to remove a sample of fluid from theamniotic sac that surrounds te fetus. You can get this test at 15 to 20 weeks of pregnancy.

**The most reliable tool at present for the
 prenatal detection of open neural tube  defects is the amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein assay.

**The most prevalent types of NTDs are
anencephaly, encephalocele and spina
bifida. In anencephaly, the absence of the
brain and calvaria can be total or partial.
Craniorachischisis is characterized by
anencephaly accompanied by a contiguous
bony defect of the spine and exposure of neural tissue.

Q12.Ans.**B. Diminish the bulk of fetus

**Evisceration Processing:: सर्जिकल तकनीक
जिसके द्वारा शेष स्क्लेरल शेल, एक्स्ट्राओकुलर मांसपेशी
संलग्नक को संरक्षित करते हुए सभी अंतःकोशिकीय सामग्री हटा दी जाती है!

**Evisceration is a surgical technique by
which all intraocular contents are removed while preserving the remaining scleral shell, extraocular muscle attachments, and surrounding orbital adnexa.

मैं आशा करती हूं कि आपको यह बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न सीरीज (MCQ) पसंद आई होगी


(Writer: Vandita Singh, Lucknow)

(GS India Nursing Classes Lucknow)

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